Important Note:
Before connecting your QuickBooks account to Alcove, you want to ensure that it is disconnected from other project management systems to avoid potential duplication in bookkeeping.
To connect your QuickBooks account, please follow the steps below:
Log into your Alcove account and click the Profile icon in the top right.
Go to the Account tab >> Connected Accounts.
Locate the QuickBooks Integration section and press Authorize.
βYou will be taken to Quickbooks where you need to login to your Quickbooks account.
Once you have connected the Quickbooks account you will return to Alcove where you can complete your Quickbooks set up in the integration settings.
Only account Admins in Alcove can authorize the initial connection to Quickbooks. Once your accounts are connected, other users on your Alcove account can make changes to settings and push documents to QuickBooks as well.