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Cancel your Quote Request

Cancel a submitted quote request in Alcove if you no longer want to proceed with the request.

Valeria Albino avatar
Written by Valeria Albino
Updated over 12 months ago


You can only cancel a quote request that is in the Submitted status with no response yet received from the Alcove team.

To cancel a submitted Quote Request, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the relevant project.

  2. Access the Procurement tab and click on the Quotes page.

  3. Choose the Quote with a Submitted status.

  4. Click on the Quote number to review details.

  5. In the top right corner, click on Cancel Quote if you no longer want to proceed with the request.


Once canceled, no further action will be taken on this quote request. You can always re-submit a new request for the same product later.

If you have questions about the program, please use Alcove's in-app chat (located in the bottom right corner of the application) or reach out to us at


If you have questions about a particular quote, please go to Quote details and click on the Ask A Question button.

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